Send Us Your News!
We accept press releases covering personnel, financial, business, and community involvement news from all across the banking industry as long as they tie-in to the Great Lakes region. There is no charge for this and it is a great way for you to make sure the word gets out when your company does something great.
We encourage banks and suppliers to add GLB to your press release circulation lists via
Write a Feature Story!
We also accept and actively solicit, feature articles from subject matter experts in the banking community and related industries. It’s your opportunity to make a real contribution to the banks of the Great Lakes region by sharing your knowledge and expertise. Features should be about 750 words and include a couple of images (photos, graphs, whatever is appropriate) and a short biography of the author. Of course, if you have something more promotional in mind, you can always take over the cover with a story that is all about you.
Appear On The Cover!
GLB makes the cover available to companies wishing to make the biggest impact in the magazine – on the cover! Contact for details.